Entry: $10
Date: Saturday February 22nd
Check In starts @ 12:00pm
Start Time: 2:00 pm
Capacity: 48 players
Format: Standard
Tournament Structure: Swiss based on attendance - Best of one.
Deck lists need to be submitted prior to round 1 start time.
*IF you CANNOT attend the event and do NOT let us know at least 24 hours in advance you will NOT be given a refund*
Trainers will receive Championship Points (CP) based on standing.
1st: 15 (CP) + $100 Store credit
2nd: 12 CP + $50 Store credit
3rd/4th:10 CP + $30 Store credit
5th/8th: 8 CP + $20 Store credit
9th/16th: 6 CP + $10 Store Credit
If event does not surpass 24 Players
1st: 15 CP + 50 Store Credit
2nd: 12 CP + $25 Store credit
3rd/4th: 10 CP + $15 Store Credit
5th/8th: $10 Store Credit
If attendance does not surpass 16 Trainers, prizing will be adjusted in person.